
Friday, May 20, 2011


Owen Sound city council is already making arrangements for a MasterCard Memorial Cup celebration.

The Owen Sound newspaper The Sun Times reports that “City councilors began making tentative plans on Wednesday to celebrate a possible Memorial Cup win by the Owen Sound Attack without mentioning the team -- save for one slip of the tongue by Coun. Jim McManaman -- or the tournament by name.”

The final game of the tournament is on May 29 at 8:00 pm, meaning a celebration would have be held on May 30. But in an unfortunate turn of events, there was a council meeting scheduled for that night. Gasp!

From the Sun Times:

After almost 15 minutes of debate -- filled with references to "they," "the event," "the group involved" -- council unanimously passed a resolution that "subject to discussions with a particular group" that the May 30 meeting be put off for a day in the event what was often referred to as a "welcome home celebration" is in order.
Check out the article for the full details.

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