
Sunday, May 22, 2011


The Saint John Sea Dogs and Owen Sound Attack have never played each other. But, as brought up in the media today, their head coaches have met before on the ice.

“That’s pretty cool,” said Sea Dogs captain Mike Thomas to the Toronto Sun when he heard of a fight between Gerard Gallant and Mark Reeds back in their National Hockey League days.

“I think the guys had it on the bus and (veteran forward Andrew) Shaw was giving me heck for it,” said Reeds who was with St. Louis Blues at the time of the scrap. “I didn’t do too well in that one. I think I got a few shots in there but I didn’t get the win.”

Gallant was an intermission guest on Rogers Sportsnet’s broadcast of the Mississauga St. Michael’s Majors – Kootenay Ice game Sunday. Along with Nick Kypreos calling him “Gerald,” a brief clip of the video above was shown.

Both Reeds and Gallant enjoyed lengthy NHL careers and now they are hoping for a lengthy stay at the 2011 MasterCard Memorial Cup. The two teams, both 1-0 to start the tournament, play each other tomorrow at 8:00 pm at the Hershey Centre.

Could we see another Gallant-climbing-the-glass-to-get-at-Danny-Flynn moment? We’ll see.

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