
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


SAINT JOHN – Five Hole for Food’s Saint John tour stop was a huge success.

“After our first three cities we’d raised a total of 2,320 lbs of food and Halifax had set the 2011 standard to beat at 795 lbs of food raised,” states the FHFF website. “The challenge every year is for each city to top the city before it and Saint John wasted no time doing so as the day yielded 4,210 lbs of food! The effort from Saint John not only set the new benchmark for 2011, but it topped our previous single city high dating back to last summer when Vancouverites came out to support the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society with 3,000 lbs of food!”

Mayor Ivan Court, Saint John Sea Dogs president Wayne Long and other members of the Sea Dogs front office took part in some of the road hockey games held yesterday afternoon on Long Wharf.

The food raised was donated to Community Food Basket of Saint John.

After stops in St. John’s, Charlottetown, and Halifax, Five Hole for Food has raised 6,530 lbs of food for local food banks. Their goal is to reach 20,000 lbs by the end of their cross Canada trek.

The Telegraph-Journal has more on yesterday festivities.

The Five Hole for Food crew is now heading to Montreal. For more on the tour, visit their website.

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