
Monday, June 27, 2011


Saint John Sea Dogs head coach Gerard Gallant spoke about his coaching future with Brendan Elliot of CBC Radio at the National Hockey League Draft this past weekend. (click the link to listen)

Having won the MasterCard Memorial Cup and back-to-back Canadian Hockey League coach of the year awards, Gallant was viewed as a candidate to make the jump to the NHL ranks for this upcoming season. But for the time being, it looks like the Summerside native will be back for a third year in Saint John.

“I’ve had a couple little feelers but nothing serious,” said Gallant in the interview.

The former head coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets has said several times that he enjoys coaching in Saint John. But, like his players, he wants to be in the NHL eventually.

“If something comes up, would I want to be back in the National Hockey League? Of course I would.”

Gallant also stated that the Toronto Sun’s report of him being interviewed for the Ottawa Senators coaching job were false.

Another interesting tidbit from the interview was that he mentioned the Sea Dogs have their eye on a few free agents in the US.

“We’re going to be a top, top team again next year,” said Gallant.

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