
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Huberdeau Suspended Two Games

The Saint John Sea Dogs will be without their captain for the first two games of the President’s Cup final.

The Quebec Major Junior Hockey League announced today that Jonathan Huberdeau has been suspended two games for his hit on Charles Hudon during Game 5 of the semifinals last Saturday. Huberdeau hit Hudon from behind but no penalty was called on the play. Hudon left and did not return.

Here’s the video.

It was reported yesterday that the Chicoutimi Sagueneens had sent video of the hit to the league. There has been no update given on Hudon’s status.

The suspension isn’t a huge shock as the hit probably should have been a major penalty. It sucks though since there is a chance Huberdeau, the face of the Sea Dogs franchise, may have played his last game at Harbour Station.

It’s obviously a big loss for Saint John but they have plenty of offensive weapons that can fill the void. They are still the favourites to win this series.

Huberdeau will be eligible to return for Game 3 in Rimouski. Game 1 of the league final is Friday at 8pm at the Station. 


  1. this game is same as hockey but its too danger.

  2. After their rationale on the Critchlow penalty the QMJHL has officially put Atlantic Canada on notice that they shouldn't expect equal treatment in this league. I guess once the Q cashes those franchise checks all bets are off. Luckely Saint John can still beat them with one hand tied behind their back.

    1. One has to wonder if language has to do with both this and the Halifax call. Would the same calls have gone to Bathurst or Moncton?

    2. I don't know about the language thing but location definetly. The Q either has huge bias or huge competency issues with officating and discipline.

  3. I feel sorry for the Oceanic now because the QMJHL just gave Saint John the motivation they need to absolutely destroy Rimouski. Send the message to the Q, WE'RE NOT HALIFAX!!!

  4. This is bull! GO DOGS GO

  5. Total complete bull. It is evident that the player turned at the last moment. Another ploy by the Q to TRY to make sure that another ENGLISH team doesn't win the championship. I do agree with the comment above that this just fuels the fire on DESTROYING Rimouski!

  6. This is crazy . Only reason this happened as it was A quebec team they are playing in the final. There was no penalty called on the play to begin with. If you ask me trying to even up the odds bullshit. Saint john will destroy then motivation in the room will be lets do this for or captain who is out. Not good for opposing team with saint john's fire power.

  7. Welcome to what Halifax just went through.....SJ has the depth to deal with it.

  8. Why is it that the Q Doesn't want to celebrate having the best team in the CHL in their own league? They took 2 points from us in the regular season (a month later) on a technicality and now this among other things. Market your brand, promote your league and celebrate having one of the most unbelievable junior teams in history in your league.

    1. I've come to the inescapable conclusion that they can't celebrate this because it's not a Francophone city. Once again Quebec is flying the "if it isn't French it's crap" flag.

  9. Too bad so many of the french Canadians have such an inferiority complex.

    Without the Maritime based teams in the Quebec League it would fold.

    The Critchlow call and the Huberdeau call are both bogus. Quebec's Gabriel Desjardin butt ends a guy sitting on the bench in the Halifax series and gets 1 game for putting him out fo the series. He knocked the same guy out earlier in the series with a hit from behind and didn't miss a game.

    Of course Marcel Patenaude is Bolduc's boss and he certainly has no love for Halifax. I wonder what Saint John did to tick off the little despot with no hockey knowledge.

  10. Next year, I think we need to address the league as the Maritime-Quebec Major Junior Hockey League and see what the corrupt Q Leadership and officials think about that. Let alone the paid off officials who ignore blatant penalties and who have to go upstairs for every call (What are they on the ice for?) If every call needs to be made upstairs? (hopefully not by one of the Q-Officials).
    If you're going to call a penalty, do the same for both teams. The good thing is the Refs are actually helping the seadogs, because the treatment by the refs will be worse when they get know..the Q word. Go Dogs Go, See you in the Memorial Cup!
