
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Noel's drafting lights up Internet

There’s no question that Nathan Noel was one of the feel good stories of the NHL Draft.

Passed over in the 2015 draft, Noel was selected in the fourth round of this year’s draft by the Chicago Blackhawks.

This tweet alone solidified Noel’s story as a feel good one.

The Blackhawks blog Second City Hockey has a good story on the social media posts.

The Blackhawks website interviewed Noel a few weeks before the draft took place.

CBC Newfoundland caught up with the Sea Dogs forward.

Some unfortunate news surfaced on Tuesday though, as it was revealed that Rimouski Oceanic defenseman Andrew Picco fell off Signal Hill while celebrating Noel's accomplishment with a group of friends. Fortunately, Picco suffered only a few broken bones.

A photo posted by Nathan Noel (@nathan_noel10) on

Photo: Marc Henwood/Station Nation

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