
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Top 10 Sea Dogs Memorial Cup Moments: #9 - Saint John wins 2022 tournament bid

Kevin Chambers/Station Nation
(Ed. Note: In honour of 2022 Memorial Cup tickets going on sale to the general public on Dec. 6, we're counting down the top 10 Sea Dogs moments in Memorial Cup history.)

#9 - Saint John wins 2022 Memorial Cup tournament bid
It was a long wait for the Saint John Sea Dogs.

After losing the 2012 Memorial Cup bid to the Shawinigan Cataractes (a setback that remains painful), the Sea Dogs waited a decade to get back in the ring. The Quebec Remparts - a big market team with a big market building - were the only other QMJHL squad to put a bid in.

After a few delays in announcing the winner, the Sea Dogs were awarded the 2022 tournament by the CHL on the morning of Sept. 22.

"In choosing Saint John as the host, there were three things that stuck out," said CHL president Dan MacKenzie in a speech at TD Station. "First, a comprehensive ticket sales plan to ensure Harbour Station is full each night of the event - even when the Sea Dogs are not playing. No. 2, a strong community event portfolio that included the opportunity to leave a lasting physical legacy in Saint John. And finally, the commitment of the bid committee to ensure the event will be operating on a sustainable footprint; be a celebration of the game and the history of this trophy; and inclusive for all."
Saint John became just the third Maritime city to be awarded the tournament following Halifax (2000 and 2019) and Moncton (2006).

This has been placed as the No. 9 moment for now - but there's a certainly a strong chance this one could move up the list a year from now. Time will tell.

Top 10 Sea Dogs Memorial Cup Moments
9. Saint John wins 2022 Memorial Cup tournament bid
8. Nov. 29
7. Nov. 30
6. Dec. 1
5. Dec. 2
4. Dec. 3
3. Dec. 4
2. Dec. 5
1. Dec. 6 (tickets go on sale)

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