
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Mooseheads release 2019 Memorial Cup campaign

The Halifax Mooseheads have launched their campaign to host the 2019 Memorial Cup.

The Mooseheads released the following video on social media Thursday night.
The Mooseheads are the first team to release a campaign like this for 2019. Both the Saint John Sea Dogs and Moncton Wildcats have previously expressed interest in hosting, but it has been quiet on both fronts for some time.

At last check, teams were expected to submit official applications in December.

In 2012, the Sea Dogs produced a similar campaign to the Mooseheads'... and we all know how that ended.

Halifax has hosted the Memorial Cup once before, in 2000.

The 2018 Memorial Cup should have been hosted by the QMJHL, but the CHL adjusted the rotation to allow any CHL team to bid on the tournament, which will be the 100th anniversary of the trophy. Regina will host the 2018 edition this May.

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